lSunday 16th March, 4:00 pm - THIRD! All Age Service - see below*
Sunday 23rd March, 10:30 am - Morning Worship led by Rev Heather Simmons
This will be a service of celebration of 70 YEARS OF WONDERFUL SERVICE by Southend Mencap
Sunday 30th March, 10:30 am - Morning Worship led by Rev Heather Simmons
This will be a united service here at Highlands bringing together local Methodists to celebrate Mothering Sunday with a parade of our uniformed organisations.
*On Sunday 16 March we are again trialling a new way of ‘doing church’ using experience gained last month.
We are still building according to what works and what doesn’t. Expect songs and stories and opportunities for participation for anyone who wants to join in, led again by Matt Bunkall. Otherwise, no pressure. Just enjoy, and know that by doing so you are helping us to move Highlands forward.