Highlands Methodist Church

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Camino de Santiago





On 27 May an intrepid group flies to Santiago de Compostela to attempt the Camino de Santiago an 800km (500 miles) pilgrim route.

'Hang on!' I hear you cry: 'Did you say 800km?'  Well, actually yes I did. But relax. We are just covering the 115km (70 miles) from Sarria to Santiago. We'll take 5 days to do that.

The pictures on the left show our destination.

Meanwhile by contrast, the picture on the right shows the tiny, humble Ponte de Aspera ('Rough Bridge'), the first river crossing we will make after leaving Sarria. Only 113km to go at this point...

We are (in no particular order) Ian Lowe, Karen Lister, Julia and Sam Monaghan, Beth Monaghan, Richard Joules, Julia Fletcher, Sally Rawthore, Paul Brown, Phil Broomhead, Jan Andrews, Helen Boyd, Heather Swain, David and Lynn Gregory, Isobel and Anna Wratislaw, Andrew and Lesley Hyde, Anne Jarrett.


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