Highlands Methodist Church

Tel: 01702 479476
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Recalling the King

'The King' - but not of course the King of Kings.

Renowned Elvis tribute performer Michael Glaysher appeared at Highlands on Saturday 21st October to sing a selection of Elvis songs including mission songs. 

Locally based Michael, who won the 2015 Best Elvis at the annual Porthcawl Festival is quickly becoming known on the international stage.  He entertained us superbly with two 40 minute sessions of songs, as a respectful tribute to the King of Rock 'n' Roll.  To my (admittedly untrained) ear he hit every note perfectly, and his phrasing was impeccable.  Wisely he does not attempt to imitate exactly the slightly nasal tone of the real Elvis, so the performance is very much his own.


Ticket sales and other income added a little over £700 to church funds. So we say a big thank you to Michael, and wish every future success to a very talented young man.

To learn more about Michael visit his Facebook page
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