Highlands Methodist Church

Tel: 01702 479476
Email the Office

David Gare

David Gare died peacefully at home at about midday on Sunday 7 August.  He was of course a prominent, respected and steadfast member of Highlands through many years, though illness had kept him from services for several weeks.  His loss is a grievous one, but his path to glory is now assured.

We offer our sincerest condolences.  David's funeral takes place on Monday 5th September at 11:00 am at Southend Crematorium, for family only please.  A service follows at 12 noon at the church with hospitality offered afterwards, and all are welcome.

Panto's Back

Oh no it isn't

Recalling the King

Details of a concert on Saturday 21st October by Michael Glaysher

Saturday Night at the Movies*

The story of Wesley's and Highlands' visit to the cinema

Spiritual Direction at Pleshey

Details of an experiential learning opportunity for Christians of all traditions

Stations of the Cross

Details of an original installation at Wesley

Surprise Easter Baptism

Long standing Highlands Church member and steward finally renounces Satan and all his works

Toddler Group News!

Information about a special birthday celebration

Top Chef was a Highlands S-Club Member

News of a former S-Club Member

Week of Accompanied Prayer

Details of an event taking place in April

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